A choreography of suspension, REBO(U)ND is a work of architectural video projection that reveals and magnifies bodies on the verge of escaping gravity. Created by choreographer Caroline Laurin-Beaucage and the companies Montréal Danse, Lorganisme and Hub Studio, this exceptional project was made possible thanks to support from the Canada Council for the Arts' Nouveau Chapitre initiative. REBO(U)ND reveals the fleeting moment when the dancer floats, between momentum and fall, between freedom and imbalance, as the body seems to defy space and time.
Projected onto architectural surfaces, REBO(U)ND will be open to the gaze of passers-by and the curious, taking dance out of theaters and studios. The idea behind mapping is to play with perceptions, thwarting notions of time, gravity, scale and space for 10 seconds or long contemplations. A visual experience to be experienced and felt, REBO(U)ND is a vibrant tribute to dance, sharing the sensations of abandon and freedom that this art form provides.
Dates :
August 30 to October 15, 2023
Grand Théâtre de Québec (with la Rotonde)